About This Book:

Year Published:

Award Books, Universal Publishing


Joe Millard

Screenplay Writer:
Luciano Vincenzoni, Sergio Leone, Agenore Incrocci & Furio Scarpelli

Young Adult Adaptation

Number of Pages:

Front Cover:

Back Cover:


"The Man With No Name"

His partner is the desperado, Tuco, who turns vengeance into a sadistic contest of endurance.

His adversary is the ruthless Sentenza, a killer who long ago lost count of the lives he has cut down.

His goal is a $200,000 treasure in stolen Army gold for which many have died and more will be killed.

His secret is a dead man's final breath. More than once it has saved his life, and it will lead him to the treasure--if he can keep alive long enough to reach it.

His trail is a path of blood cutting across thee hell that the Civil War had brought to the southwest.

To the Man With No Name, the odds seemed almost favorable!